An exchange of opinions isn't taking a person on nor is it a confrontation in civil affairs.
It may be a whole other thing where differences of opinion make a country unable to manage its affairs. It's not that way where I live.

The analogy of my son's interview should have been clear from the opening sentence to Doug. Persons engage in useful and significant activities every day without sharing the same opinions, as successful anti-grabbers do.

As for "correcting the incorrect on this board"---There it is, keith. See what I mean? I may quibble, differ, offer my opinion respectfully without spite and spleen. Correcting implies I know better, holder of "truths," an arrogance too often displayed here.

No, I have never used foul language on this board. It's usually regarded as a sign of poor vocabulary, at the least. Other members have remarked of being offended by language that gets us shoved off into Misfires, instead of discussing important issues civilly as we try to do here.

My highway example of activism was in reply to suggestion that Biden's access to money and printing presses militates against the those fighting the grabbers. This was a case of the community defeating money, government and business, all politicians.

How did the Canadian registry get to be in the first place? See above today, keith. There it is plain to see. An overzealous government reacting to a massacre. Exactly why Obama is promising "something better" for America today?

I promise to reply to your posts if you read them carefully.