Hi kids

Sorry Ive been AWOL for the last two evenings as we were doing the Basketball Coaches for Cancer games at our daughters High School. My better half is the basketball boosters treasurer and rides herd over all activities that involve cashconcessions50/50cancer society donationsetc.
The varsity girls played and won last night lead by their spectacular point guard #20 (hint same last name as mine). This evening the boys team lostNo Webers on that team as my boys have long since graduated.

In any event the events raised about $1400 for the American Cancer Society which is a good thing.
Now to the matter at hand.

I see less than civil discussions abound and lots of eye poking going on in various gun rights threads. Divide and conquer has always been a hallmark of the progressive liberals and I see wedges being driven that make no sense to me. Alas some of you may have gone to the dark side of compromise. Fact is the Constitution of the US gives us all certain rights and we need to protect and re-secure these rights before they are perverted into some shape shifting document the liberals desire to suit their agenda.

I really want to serve the community at large and I will lock all the miscellaneous gun rights threads.

My goal is to consolidate the discussions into a single informational thread and make it a sticky on the main forum (it will be obvious).

If you wish to post informational material about preserving our 2nd Amendment rights please do so in the sticky thread at the top of the page.
Just to reiterate.Im after informational material that has to do with preserving our rights. I dont want your opinion about how many rounds a magazine should or should not havethat is irrelevant. If you are a free law abiding, mentally competent, tax paying, hard working citizen in the US; I dont care how many rounds you can stuff into a magazine, I dont care if youre black or white or green or gay or straight or even if you have three arms and a tail. I dont care what kind of firearm you favorAR, SxS, pistol, flint lockit makes no matter to meBecause youre one of the good guys.

PS - If you want to post a thesis on the swell ideas for chipping away at our rights by imposing more onerous gun controls than we currently haveThis might not be a suitable place for your opinion and I will most likely move your thread to mis-fires.

Thank you all for you participation.

Dave Weber
DoubleGun Evangelist
In Charge But Not Responsible