Originally Posted By: old colonel
What actual practical use and value do the cased accessory tools really have?

Do those who have a cased guns use the tools in the case or other cleaning tools on their bench?

Like many I have lusted for a beautiful oak and leather Huey case with all the accessories. In sitting in Huey's shop I was in awe of the beautiful set ups. I have to ask myself in commissioning a case with all the accessories if I would real use them or are they just eye candy.

The tools and accessories are as practical as the Huey case...very beautiful, very well made, but very impractical to use. I use screw drivers (guess we're really speaking of "turnscrews") that I have ground to fit my guns, I carry my guns in a case that will withstand the rigors of airline travel, carry the small amount of cleaning stuff I need for the trip in my check bag (part of which is in the traveling case.

I love the look and feel of a nice case, nice tools and accessories, but see very little practical value.