Originally Posted By: italiansxs
I look at the tools in a nicely fitted case as a reminder of those more gentelmanly times and an era the likes of which we'll never see again.

That 'ain't all bad, either. I can toss a good double (or, a model 17 Remington) along with the dog, lunch, thermos, spare boots and socks, in the back of my 96 Roadmaster, light the reactor that is an LT1, and be several counties away in under two hours, hunt public ground to my hearts content, be home in time for dinner, and bring said good double to my bench for the cleaning it needs. I used to bring a spare gun, but, I don't even do that anymore.
If I lived in merry England, I'm pretty sure I'd be the guy who showed up the day after a big driven hunt and did rough shooting. Without a special case and a bunch of bling.
