Just some facts regarding Obama's views on gun ownership ;

Obama to John Lott;
"I don't believe people should be able to own guns."

Barack Obama reportedly said, "I don't think people should be able to own guns." In my correspondence with Lott, he stood by his story.

And there's little reason to doubt Lott's account, especially when you take Obama's history of anti-gun legislation into account.

Consider these examples:

1. In a 1998 questionnaire for the Illinois state legislature, Obama said he wanted to "ban the sale or transfer of all sorts of semi-automatic weapons."

2. From 1998-2001 Obama was on the board of the Joyce Foundation, the "major funder for gun-control research" at that time. (note so has Valerie Jarrett,one of his most trusted advisers who claimed "pay back time" after they win. Jarret "After we win its pay back time" )

3. Obama opposes concealed carry and always has (every state but Illinois disagrees with him).

4. Obama only sees two "legitimate" purposes for guns: "hunting and target shooting." This means using guns for self defense is not legitimate. And this goes a long way in explaining Obama's past support of laws banning the use of guns for self-defense in Illinois, even in one's own home.

Hillary For Prison 2018