You have stated a well thought answer with great articulation, but it does not really address the original posters question, which I have placed in bold type.

quote=teeny350]Good Morning All!

I am in need of some "dutch uncle" advice and direction.

I've been fortunate to collect and shoot some very lovely guns over the last several years. ( 2 Grant Sidelevers, Charles Boswell Sidlock, Purdey Pigeon 2 barrel set etc. Boswel and Grants are 2 1/2" chambers, Purdey is 2/3/4".)

I use RST shells for most purposes and enjoy shooting S x S's and the history of each.

Question: [b]Am I throwing good money after bad buying 2 1/2" chambered guns ?I rarely sell guns and suppose the problem of value would fall to my wife on my passing. ( hopefully many years from now ).[/b]

While his question does not specifically state a concern about buying more SxSs such as he has, he gave a bit of insight to us about what he is most likely to buy before he asked the question. Or at least I think that he did.
