Fascinating conversation

I agree the segment of the market that desires old doubleguns is a thin one and maybe aging. That said I think the negative effect of decling size and potential interest is on the low end of the doublegun market and not on the high end.

I believe that higher quality guns are just that and will hold their value. Value in high end guns is not an instant thing and in the past and still today you cannot expect a quick sale at a top price. Quick sales are usually at a discount (Loss).

The field grade market for old doubles is not one I would recommend unless one is searching for a shooter to beat about. They are not investments. For that matter I do not see guns as an investments at all. Stick to mutual funds or land to increase you finances. That said you will lose more on a field grade than high grade. Remember money on guns is usually made on the purchase, not the sale.

Reference 2.5 inch chambers and their effect on value. Yes they are harder to sell than a 2.75 inch gun all other things being equal. That said the people who buy quality old doubleguns are not much put off by one chamber length than the other. As others have put it before me on this thread they are not a magnificantly large group.

Last edited by old colonel; 01/26/13 01:01 AM.

Michael Dittamo
Topeka, KS