Poll: 67% of Americans Don't Believe Gun Ban Would Prevent Sandy Hook

According to a new Reason-Rupe poll released today, just 27% of Americans believe that an assault weapons ban would have helped prevent the tragedy at Sandy Hook in Newtown, CT. 67% of Americans believe that the ban, which expired in 2004, would not have prevented the tragic shooting. Overall, the poll finds Americans far more skeptical of gun control laws than the Democrats and media assume.

It should be noted that the Reason poll has a heavy Democrat tilt. 36% of respondents identify with the Democrat party, while only 22% identify as Republicans. Also, a majority of respondents, 54%, are not gun owners.

The Democrats have tried to paint supporters of gun rights as a "fringe" element of the public. The American public clearly does not agree with this assessment. The left, in its zeal for gun control, has run far further down-field than the American public on this issue. If they pursue this course, they will likely face severe headwinds going into 2014 elections


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