Originally Posted By: King Brown

Labelling members of a particular political party as inimical to the national interests, as citizens below the salt as liars and worse, would not have provided the relatively harmonious and productive result we got in Canada. (Yes, I agree, oldstarfire, that there's a lot more to be done!)

Regards, King

So... why are you wasting time here trying to get us to sing Kumbaya with the anti gunners when there is still so much work to do in Canada? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet... lulling, lulling, lulling, blah, blah, blather, blather. I'm civil, you're not. As Julius Ceasar said to me when I interviewed him, "Aenean iaculis feugiat arcu ac inderdum." A big +1 to Billious Bob!

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.