Back ground checks on private gun sales

Do we need it ?

I think we stop what is referred to as straw buyers. Take cities like Chicago with strict gun laws and yet the number of shootings rank at the top in the nation. (Truth is I'd as soon give them all the guns they want and let them kill each other off)

In Memphis a gun shop here is rated one of the top (if not the top) in nation for guns sold that later end up somewhere in violent crimes....this isn't happening because of people like me and you. It's quite scarey to go in the store and look at the's not uncommon to hear...."man i'z look'n fr an A Ra' 47 or an Uewzi" and they are legally selling the hell out of guns.

I'm willing to bet that a high percentage of the guns were bought legally by blacks and later sold to thugs either intentionally or non intentionally.

Only thing that's going to stop it is to make it where the only way an individual can sell a gun is to go through a licensed dealer and transfer ownership through the registration process that's already in place.

There was another gun shop here owned by a fellow named Glen Faulk who refused to sell guns, ammunition or magazines to a black person unless they met his visual and then verbal screening qualifications....I've been in there several times when one of the brothers came in looking for big magazines or 9 mm ammo and witnessed Glen tell them he didn't have any with them in plain sight...if questioned he'd reply those are sold. I've saw them ask to look at a Glock sitting in the display case and Glen would tell them "it's sold". Sadly Glen has passed....his tales of being sunk at sea twice in WW II will always be remembered by me.

A few years back I sold a hand gun to a guy....I called my buddy at the gun shop and asked him should we come in and transfer ownership to him he said no just get his drivers license number....which I did.

Truth is I'd just as soon gotten the gun out of my name.