I hate to disagree with some guys here who I am more often than not in agreement with, but universal backround checks is the single issue we should be MOST concerned with in the current assault on firearms. As has been stated, this is the means and ends to the anti's long sought Gun Registry. This is what the backround check has always been. If their only concern was to keep guns out of the hands of felons, mentally ill, drug abusers, domestic violence offenders, etc., there would be no need to specify the make, model, and serial number of the firearm being transferred. This information is kept in bound logbooks which can be inspected at any time by the BATF, and eventually become the property of the BATF when the FFL quits or retires. Having this information has never had any impact upon crime nor has it ever been much help in solving crimes. For the most part, this is because the only folks who totally comply are law abiding citizens. They are also the only ones who bear the costs which far exceeded projections in Canada. Canada eventually repealed its' Long Gun Registry because it was costly and totally ineffective, but Quebec still has not complied. And there is no reason any reasonable person would believe that anti-gunners did not keep copies for future use in the other provinces. It's too easy to store large amounts of data in 2013.

Consider that in 2009, the FBI referred over 71,000 cases to the Justice Dept. where someone who was prohibited from legally buying a gun attempted to do so. Only 77 of those 71,000 cases were prosecuted by Obama's DOJ. This is only a fraction of the total number of people who lied on a Form 4473 and were turned down during the Instant Check. The Instatnt Check itself is a problem because many states are negligent in updating data on criminals which allows offenders to still legally buy guns. Somehow, this negligence is your fault. These are some of the people statistically most likely to misuse a gun, yet the Obama DOJ chose to let them walk free and continue their search to illegally buy a gun. At the same time, they want to track and register the guns you and I own.

Under the proposed new Universal Backround checks, every gun you currently own would have to become part of this unconstitutional registry. If you gave a gun to your son or daughter, there would have to be an FFL transfer using a Form 4473 and a backround check. If you died, every gun in your estate would have to be similarly transferred, but your heirs would have to acquire additional death certificate copies, and have a probate lawyer petition the Probate Court to do the required transfer. Just the hassle and cost in legal fees would be more burdensome than many guns are worth. Think of the multiple 4 to 6 hour waits DrBob spoke of on steroids. All this to track the guns and gun buying activities of law abiding people who ARE NOT THE PROBLEM! And all the while, criminals, drug users, and mentally ill folks are allowed to continue their illegal pursuit of a gun... over 70,000 of them in 2009 alone that were referred to DOJ for prosecution by FBI. This grievous sin of omission is being committed by the same Obama administration which says that we need all of these anti-2nd Amendment proposals if it will save only a few lives.

Gangbangers would still get guns. They would simply have to get Straw Purchasers who could pass a backround check to buy them at jOe's Memphis Gun Shop. They would use the same women they use to raise their illegitimate children and defraud the Welfare System. They would continue to steal guns. They could get them from foreign sources just as they do right now to get cocaine and heroin. Criminals are not going to follow any new law just because The Magic Negro signed it. So when the new Registration scheme and limits on certain semi-autos and large capacity magazines becomes a dismal failure, the anti-gunners will do what they always do and call for more and stricter restrictions on you and me... WHO ARE NOT THE PROBLEM!

Don't give them a fraction of an inch. This is the game we have been repeatedly warned about from gun guys who saw their rights slowly stripped away in Great Britain and Australia. They keep telling us not to fall for it. Those of you who are falling for this divide and conquer tactic need to see it for what it is... one small step in the steady march toward elimination of the private ownership of guns in the U.S. He who does not learn from history is doomed to repeat it.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.