Originally Posted By: Replacement
[Well, put up or shut up. Post something definitive about mandatory "confiscation" in CA. If you follow the rules, nothing gets confiscated. Your agenda is out in front of your brain, but that's much of a stretch.

I don't really want to get in the middle of a personal conflict anymore than I care to have anyone criticizing my personal conflicts... even though that happens quite often. But I will point out some glaring problems with what has been going on in California. You say that "If you follow the rules, nothing gets confiscated."

Well, the RULES are "...the Right to Keep and Bear Arms Shall Not Be Infringed."

This is a Constitutional Right that they're chipping away upon. This is a Civil Rights violation as much as discrimination because of race or skin color. If we're foolish enough to let them incrementally take it away or dilute it, shame on us. We already own these rights. The government does not give them to us. It's up to us to stick together as women and minorities have done, and fight to keep them.

I don't know personally if anyone has actually had the police knocking on or breaking down doors in California to confiscate firearms. There probably are isolated incidents that can be documented. But just the fact that we apparently have the scenario where folks and firearms dealers must either sell or transfer firearms to another state, or relocate their businesses to another state is frightening. These are law abiding people we're talking about. California is not doing things to force out drug dealers and gang-bangers.

What happens when other states pass the same kind of draconian laws that do absolutely nothing to reduce violent crime? Where do we move or sell our Constitutionally permitted property then? Do we sell our guns for pennies on the dollar to dealers who can export them to some country where firearm ownership is still legal as happened in Great Britain?

This whole scenario has been played out before. The camel must get his nose under the tent before he can upend the whole thing. What starts out as a "reasonable" inconvenience leads to outright bans and confiscation.

Why is that so hard to see?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.