I think the stock idea was simply to have a reputable duplicator make a very accurate pattern that could be used for the head of the stock, so that anyone who wished could simply provide their wood and their stock fit numbers, and a couple months later they could get back a relatively finished semi-inlet to fit them--for far less money or work than they'd be into it if they had to either inlet themselves from scratch (sounds like a very expensive/complicated job) or pay someone else to do the same.

Personally, I like this idea. I don't doubt that the total cost of the gun will be approaching that of the "same thing" from elsewhere (i.e. csmc fox, etc), but the fact that 1) I can act as my own general contractor, and 2) I can do the project in stages and do some of the less intensive parts myself (finishing the stock for instance, maybe blueing, etc) IF I choose to, mean that it has extra appeal by offering up both flexibility in timeframe and a potentially significant $ savings.

Besides, even if the total cost is the same it's much easier to justify it to my wife in smaller bites.

Last edited by David Furman; 03/19/07 02:09 PM.