Originally Posted By: King Brown
Dave, before labelling Joe, I'd like to know why checks to determine if a prospective buyer is a felon or nuts has anything to do with gun sales.

To own and buy and sell guns as you do now, isn't there a US requirement for the safety course and a background check that you're good to go?

If there is, why record-keeping at all for where the guns go?

NO,as I,and others have tried to show you and its not getting through
One more time

There is NO backround check requirement to buy (except from a 01dealer)or sell (no requirement)or any safety course.

If you knowingly-or should have known( like a hillbilly who buys and flips it to a "brotha" for 3 times its price) sell a gun to a criminal its a felony now and has been since 1968 !

Hillary For Prison 2018