Your respect of the Lefever gun is honorable. But, I think you'll agree, this gun is not ever going to be accepted by the purists as a real Lefever. It's logical that it wouldn't be, since the lineage of the Lefever company is not the producer of this product. That doesn't make it lessor of a product, IMO. Just different.

In the objective view that this product is not a real Lefever, the makers of this product wouldn't be "changing" anything, but rather adopting the desireable characteristics of a Lefever, whether mechanical or aesthetics, and incorporating them into "their product". These will be Earle-Hurst actions with Lefever features. I'm sure they'll do their best to honor Dan, but it will be an Earle-Hurst product nonetheless. So, they won't be 'messing with' any original Lefevers.

I'm thrilled they are willing to pursue the project no matter how faithful to the original the outcome.

Last edited by Chuck H; 03/19/07 03:30 PM.