Originally Posted By: canvasback
...then why would continuing to pound them with facts help our cause. Wouldn't we likely be more effective to appeal to then in a way they can accept, understand and ultimately agree with?

Definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

IMO, the way to counter an emotional argument is with a stronger emotional argument. If I were a pro-gun billionaire (think Bloomberg/Soros money) I'd fund an advertising campaign featuring citizens who have successfully used a firearm to defend themselves, their families or innocent third parties. Have them tell their stories on camera and in print ("I'm alive today because I own a gun...", better yet "My children are alive today because I own a gun...") Preferably women telling how they stopped a rapist or killer because they were legally armed.

Flood youTube, Facebook et al with the ads if TV and magazines refuse to accept them. Having LaPierre say "the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun" rings hollow for most non-gun owners. Hearing it from hundreds of ordinary people might not.