I started shooting muzzleloaders as a teenager back in '57 when all we had were originals. Had a number of people just give me their relics to use--and use them I did. What I did to some of those guns would be considered to be criminal today but we didn't think anything of it back then. Over the years I've managed to acquire a number of nice flintlock rifles and have hunted exclusively with them for well over 25 years. Taken a lot of game--mostly elk and deer. Don't shoot them much anymore though. My interest has changed from big game to birds and I just haven't picked up my muzzleloading shotguns in quite awhile. Still, traditional muzzleloaders put the "hunt" back in hunting. I love 'em.

Photo is of a bull I took in the Valle Vidal in northern New Mexico in 2003. Not a monster but taken fair and square. Flintlock rifle, .58 caliber round ball. Probably my last bull.

Last edited by Joe Wood; 03/19/07 06:29 PM.

John McCain is my war hero.