Quote from King Brown: "There is no advantage to submission. I've said the struggle against gun control should be better focussed, smarter. It didn't identify quickly that the ostensibly benign checks were registration by another name. It looked in other directions"

Another quote from King Brown: "Nothing in my posts mentioned or indicated meek and humble as appropriate to protest gun control. They were misinterpreted for selfish reasons. I said more satisfactory results are obtained, more antis could be brought to the light, with honey rather than vinegar where there are competing narratives."

Once again, the Muse of Nova Scotia cannot keep his course straight... we have semi-tough talk, and sucking up to the anti's, all within the same paragraph. A cursory examination of his many posts since the Sandy Hook massacre will turn up many instances of his advising us to be concilliatory, to compromise, to reject the NRA's approach, to wait and see what happens before we react, and to sleep with the enemy and try to be civil when engaging liars. In the first quote above, we are once again being lulled and advised that we should not call a spade a spade... that we should not quickly identify "ostensibly benign backround checks" as "registration by another name." Why not, pray tell? Since when is the truth something to be avoided? Should we really avoid annoying those folks who hate us and want to steal our Civil and Constitutional Rights?

King still thinks we can get Obama, Biden, Feinstein, et al to listen to the voice of reason if we ply them with honey rather than vinegar. He apparently has never heard or read their own words. We would have an easier task removing all the salt from the oceans. In his posts, he still acts as if those who share my opinion have "never toiled in the trenches and tasted victory", yet he still has not provided us with a verifiable resume of his accomplishments in the pro-gun rights arena in Canada. I wonder if he once gave advice to Neville Chamberlain or vice versa. And he once arrogantly accused me of probably having done nothing more in the arena of gun rights than buy an NRA membership. Again, I must ask why he's trying to lull us here, when the Long Gun Registry records have not yet been destroyed in Quebec as mandated by law. I think he'd be more credible if he was actually trying to do some good for Gun Rights in his own country. He says his words have been misinterpreted for selfish reasons. I'd like him to explain that statement, but he's still pretending to ignore me... for selfish reasons.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.