Originally Posted By: Jim Legg
It would sure be thoughtful if you would delete one of your duplicate posts*, especially when they are as long as the old testament.

*Please cite more than the single instance to which you are referring. There are no others, of which I'm aware, but would certainly weed the garden, were I notified of the fact..

It would also be thoughtful if the edit function worked in the first post. It doesn't, won't, is hidden, and I've tried numerous times to make it work. You've known me long enuff to know that leaving dupe posts is not my normal 'Net manners.

As to the post itssowns'ef? Feel free not to read it. I do the same for you. Btw, I have noticed a change in the tenor of y'r address to folks here, Jim. What happened, that brought on an evident anger and consequent on-line posture? I've been hoping for quite a while, that y'd work you way around to being the former and quite likable Jim Legg that usta post here.

Nothin' personal, Jim. Just an observation I've kept to myself, as I have and will continue to refrain from comment or involvement about assorted other BBS things or personalities. Life is short. I'll see if Dave can't remove that offending eyesore. The continued existence of the un-edited first one bothers me, too.



Relax; we're all experts here.