I was going to stay out of this but I think this needs to be said.
I doubt if there's anyone on this forum who has been subjected to more ethnic and racial slurs as I have primarily because I have continuously brought the need to fight for our constitional rights to everyone's attention. I have literally been labeled with just about everything obnoxious in the book which I suspect has been a baiting attempt to get me to go ballistic. Frankly; I'll leave that type of grandstanding to Bill O'Reilly.
Dave Weber agreed that informational discussion of attempted incursion into our 2nd Amendment rights and activities were permissible and we can engage in this discussion to thwart these attacks and certainly it belongs in the mainstream part of this forum.
Since I can now post firearms legislation information over here the attacks have for the most part abated.
However, even when I used to flinch a bit at some of the trash and bile I was receiving I never once threatened to leave this forum. I looked at leaving as a victory for the closet anti's(yes we know who you are and what your intent actually is in posting here) and I refuse to give up the fight.
If anyone truly feels that they can't put up with the heat as the old saying goes then the really out to get out of the kitchen or as it applies here off the forum.
As a further point: I have no problem whatsoever with someone who is an anti and who believes that gun control is effective and cares to honestly state their reasons. There are individuals such as Keith here who can demolish just about any argument presented from that side. My problem is with individuals posing as legitimate gun owners who are anything but legitimate.

The 2nd Amendment IS an unalienable right.