Quote from homer:

How does Baracks asstate?
How does Liz Warrens asstate?
How does Sherrod Browns asstate?
How does Patrick Murphys asstate?
...I could go on all day but you get it. America isnt voting the Ignoramus ticket. (its too bad for Scott Brown that he got brought in when -as Morning Joe says-the Republicans are the party of the stupid.)

Edited by homer (11/09/12 08:10 AM)

Above is a little quote by homer (from the Re: Vote The Second Amendment on Tuesday thread, post#299844, on 11/9/12), another class act. Oink oink!

I'd hope folks here would read some of homer's other classy and intelligent posts from that thread, and compare them with my posts. Remember, I'm the villian here, and the pig. I don't know why homer wants to bow out now after making two off-topic posts in Last Dollar's off-topic thread. Hypocrite lite today, I guess.

People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw rocks. It's not surprising homer is supportive of LD as they are two of a kind.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.