Ahhh, Keith. You make me smile. What are you thinking....Mobil 1 in a TDI. I'm still trying to figure out how to get the silver Passat W8 wagon back from my ex. She thinks I bought it for her. Best sleeper I ever had. Eight cylinders that rev freely to a 7500 rpm redline. Drove it out to my hunting lodge one year at 150 mph, once I got out of radar alley on Hwy 1 heading west out of Winnipeg. It was so bland, even the cars that saw me didn't notice.

Speaking of my ex, perhaps I am advancing this point because I've become used to biting my tongue at the civil yet utterly dishonest drivel that comes my way from her. But I do it for a good reason. It's the right thing to do for my boy.

And while this may seem like a stretch for some, I think the same approach would be valuable here. It's not that I accept any of her lies, doublespeak or misinformation. She gets called on them all. But it's without rancour and once each bit of BS has been put to rest, it's dropped and she has a chance, although I know it will never happen, to start fresh and get it right each time she opens her yap to me.

I keep a smile on my face and truth in my heart. I discredit today's bullshit today and then move on, hoping but not expecting, that one day, in the face of relentless accuracy, she will see the error of her ways ( the trying to lie to me part ) and make a change for the better. The only thing i demand is that she be the best mother she can be. I am suggesting we take the same approach here.

You say it's child's play here compared to other on-line communities. I wouldn't know as this and gunnutz are the only forums I frequent. Most of my time spent on forums is spent here. So this is the one I care about.

I am not suggesting we give the lies a pass. Just that we focus on discrediting the post (assuming we are able to) not the poster and then move on.

And finally, to those who might be bothered by the various non gun issues raised in this post, I don't care. The selective whining that goes on about that is consistently the silliest thing about this forum.

Last edited by canvasback; 03/11/13 08:34 AM. Reason: Spelling correction

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia