Originally Posted By: canvasback
Jim, I firmly believe repeating the facts, ad nauseum, and finding different, more acceptable ways to say the same thing is the only way we will have the right to own guns privately in 50 years. We have listened to 40 years of lies about guns and gun owners. That has had a huge effect on the average non gun owner's opinions about guns and gun ownership. We will not win the war of words that we must wage by belittling or name calling. It will be won by a relentless focus on an emotional position that is bolstered by facts and by doing so find common ground with those who are not gun owners.

Agree completely. The personal belittling and name-calling here serves no good purpose. It's counterproductive, reinforces negative stereotypes, plays into the way much of the news media frames our picture.

I think the same about raising the specter of socialist conspiracy. Generally characterizing political action by those who fear guns as socialist conspiracy will alienate a lot of folks with open minds who recognize nanny state tendencies -- not socialist ideology or conspiracy -- in their friends and family members who fear guns. And though it feels good to me to do it, I'm wasting my breath even bothering to characterize gun foes as nanny staters. To persuade, we'll do best to abandon personal attacks, put our smarts into clear statements of fact, and put our passion into words that express the values of freedom.


Last edited by Gunflint Charlie; 03/11/13 08:27 PM. Reason: clarity