Originally Posted By: PA24
Originally Posted By: canvasback
I've suggested a starting point already in this thread. To repeat, consider how effective the antis have been at spreading their message, infiltrating the MSM, Hollywood etc., consider exactly how it has been done and craft a long term strategy to do the same and win back those opinion making machines. Get the NRA to consider hiring the very best marketing firms in the world to craft an emotional strategy that gets fence sitters and mildly anti gun citizens to change camps and identity with firearms owners. This isn't rocket science. It was what consumer goods companies do every day around the world. Use every trick in the books to win support for their product by creating an emotional connection to their target market.


Thanks for the NRA, New York Times information and the link, quotes and data.......

I agree with what you say in your quote copied above....I further believe the NRA could and would benefit greatly with a new ad campaign.....something designed to soothe and interest non-gun owners.......Years ago, the NRA and the shooting sports associations used famous people to promote the sport (and not just Robert Stack), guns and associated products with very bright, progressive and rewarding advertising themes that brought great interest from all walks of life...............

Those ad campaigns appeared to be designed to attract the non-gun owner and first time gun buyer and shooter......this is the market that needs to be targeted IMO....

If you want to sell a product or a lifestyle, it is far more rewarding to promote the lifestyle or product than to defend it..............JMO

On the other hand, the negative media will never change and wallows in sensationalism to sell their product.......

Doug - you are 1000% correct, and I wish someone could get this message across to the NRA leadership. The media has cast gun owners as a fringe of paranoid survivalists and potential mass murderers. The best response is change that perception and the NRA is failing miserably in that regard. The old Charlton Heston battle cry will not win this fight - angry rhetoric just feeds the media storybook.

Such a long, long time to be gone, and a short time to be there.