Originally Posted By: nca225
Canvas, I'm done trying to educate or aid in debate here. These people don't want debate or a discussion or even a different point of view. Not to long ago, they all turned on Homeless cause he didn't fall in line. They will do it to you too if you do not keep up their party line.

Your free to wax philosophical on why Republican economic policies did not drive a massive population shift from rural areas to economic centers over the last century to current.

I come here only to look at a lost craft, see what's for sale, and to throw the shit back at the shit throwers. And I certainly don't care what these guys think of me.

Nca, to your first point, I'm happy to take my chances. You may have noticed I'm not exactly following the party line you think dominates here. I disagree with Jim on some key things, I disagree with Keith on others. I'm sure Craig and I will part company on some subject sometime. In the meantime, I say what I believe, do my best to answer challenges and try not to attack the person, just the idea. As I've said to you before, it's a better way to go.

As far as the insidious GOP policies that strip the land and crowd the cities, my suspicion about the inaccuracy of your supposition is that the same migration has taken place in most other 1st world nations, as well as quite a few others. Even countries that have no US Republican policies in place. So if you really believe what you said, do me the curtesy of explaining why. I didn't throw any shit at you. I just asked you to explain your point as it didn't fit with my understanding of world history.

As far as your last point, I too am here for those first two reasons. But your third reason, the throwing shit back part. Even if you are just throwing it back, you are still getting shit all over yourself. Can't believe you really enjoy that.


The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia