Jim, I absolutely agree with your first point. God help me if I get to the point of not listening. As a business mentor used to say to me, tell me what I need to know that will change my course of action. I don't need re-inforcement for that which I'm already doing.

And I know that what Cameron describes is happening all across North America. What I have been hammering about in this thread is about the need, difficult as it may be, to reach those people. And what I'm saying is our past methods don't work.

The nice thing about young people Jim, is there is a new crop every couple of years. (I cribbed that line with a slight adjustment from my younger, competitive dating years. LOL). So bad as it is now, with the right message and delivery, it is possible to win back ground. Not too many 23 year old women across North America self identify as a "feminist". The younger crowd recognized that old school feminists had just become ridiculous and were in act anti male.

Finally, please don't confuse my willingness to engage in discussion, to listen and consider, my apparent "reasonableness" with a willingness to agree to ANY new anti gun law. Remember, I live in Canada. I live already under a level of gun control you would find intolerable. I know that the core enemy of my beliefs thinks he knows better than I how I need to live my life. I know they will only give up on trying to take my guns when they have them.

They won't be getting them.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia