nca225, it appears you are off your meds again. I never asked you to come meet me in PA. to settle our differences. I did invite you to PM me if you should ever travel here so you could have the opportunity to say the things you were saying directly to my face. I don't believe that would ever happen because I believe you are cowardly. I never once said I wanted to fight you. That is your interpretation. Don't twist what I've said. Who knows where such a meeting could lead? We might become fast friends... or not.

Perhaps you should re-read my first post in this thread. I specifically said that I don't mean to offend anyone here except those who are offensive or deceptive. That would include you on both counts, so I'm not being hypocritical at all. You provide the perfect example for Canvasback and Gunflint Charlie and others that, while civility is nice and has it's place, attempting to be civil with someone like you is about like trying to cure terminal cancer with an aspirin. Canvasback has noted that there are areas where we disagree and debate our differences. This is one area where he has lost me completely, for I can't fathom why he would even want to try to debate or reason with the likes of you. At this point, only mental illness could explain why you keep coming back.

We sometimes see the same thing on a much larger scale. Our nation, and others, are attempting diplomacy and civility with Ahmadinijad and the Mullahs in Iran over nukes. In the end, it probably won't work and we will end up dropping bombs on them. All of our talks and sanctions and civility will have been a silly waste of time. We may find that we would have been better off to react with anger sooner. After Gunflint Charlie's thoughtful and persuasive posts, it seems yours prompted him to throw up his hands. I agree in principle with what he said, but it only works when you are dealing with rational, intelligent, civil people. You are none of the above. I think it's only a matter of time before Canvasback reaches the same conclusion about you. Most here already have.

craigd made the important distinction and correction that we did not attack Homeless jOe in a recent thread. As he noted, we debated and argued through many pages of facts and tried to persuade him to change his position. He may have done so, but even if he didn't, we still like him and accept him because he is not dishonest. Don't do him the injustice of lumping him in with you. He is nothing like you. I'm sure he doesn't want or need you to defend him. Last Dollar, who began this thread invoking my name...we certainly had our differences. But he is a better man on his worst day than you are on your best day. You are in a class by yourself.

Oh, one other thing... I see you still haven't mastered the difference between the words "your" and "you're". I don't think we were taught that until third grade, so I guess I shouldn't expect so much.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.