I hesitate to join this thread but what the hell.

Like many I started life in the party into which I was born, Democrat, I stayed there long after I could not see myself anywhere in it, because??, hell I don't know other than stubbornness and not trusting the other side any more.

I can find plenty wrong with key positions in both parties. I cannot say I find plenty right in either

Today I claim no party.

The older I have gotten the more I see both sides playing the taxpayer for a fool in how the money is spent and favors are doled out. They use the favors to bribe voters and the policy positions to scare or cause love from those not otherwise purchased. It is all a sad business. It is sad as most voters are either ignorant (idiots) in their failure to be informed or complicit.

I studied rhetoric and debate early in life and I understand how to turn any position on its head.
Through all the politics I listen to and am subjected to I continue to have one overwhelming set of principles. They are the original principles upon which our government was founded. Those principles simply put state men are born free and government should exert as little control as required.
They are principles that have been eaten away by laziness, sloth, and deception. I genuinely fear that the majority of voters today would rather a length of chain and a full bowl of chow than freedom and the danger of choosing wrongly. Voluntary serfdom is here to stay if it is not fought off.

Whether we are discussing what the left calls gun control or health care in Nanny state NYC the lack of candor and specific truth is awesome. Disarmament will save lives, so will requiring everyone to drive a suburban, so will mandating community exercise and controlled home menus to ensure sound nutrition. If you want some well-meaning hypocrite who rages against the same crew they party with on Martha’s Vinyard or Hawaii to control your life, pick up your dog collar and get your owner’s name stamped on it. I note the other side has simply become a different kind of owner. Maybe the new brilliant ruling class will let you have a 12 oz soda tonight after the 20 oz limitation fails to stem the tide of opulent obesity that is the byproduct of our national prosperity. I still remember my grandfather who starved growing up in the Appalachia of Northwest Italy. He was a little man whose hunting clothes I outgrew by the 8th grade. He was small because he was hungry most of his childhood. He loved to hunt and he loved to eat (not overeat) as they were affirmations of his freedom and founded on his hard work.

I do not believe that people in the state house in Topeka are any more endowed with wisdom than the ones in Washington. At least I can look the local one in the eye and feed them a sensible argument that occasionally might actually be heard.
National solutions are typically one size fits all bull.

National bureucrats are no smarter if not more stupid. The government that allows Darwinistic mechanisms to decide economically what is actually the most efficient solution and will yield the best prosperity and least waste. Natural selection is ugly but efficient. I look at the federal dollars poured into rediculous "green" solutions and failed mass transportation schemes and grieve. I doubt are grandchildren will believe the National Debt investment was worth it to them who have to pay it back without them or their parents receiving much benefit.

Today the clowns who demand more legal restrictions on the right to bear arms are the same disingenuous group that is failing to enforce the current laws. It is an obvious question that we do not actually know if the current laws work or not, as simply things like false signed statements in background checks are not prosecuted. If the current BATF focused on the legitimate enforcement of the current law and it proved a long term failure to solve fundamental issues and the weapons were shown as the problem (not fatherless amorality – or ludicrous failure to address care for the mentally ill) then I might be willing to increase legal restrictions and create more regulation.

As of today I have no faith or confidence in Washington based solutions in this area not because they cannot possibly work; there is a real possibility something better good be crafted. I have no confidence because a group the governmental institutions in DC are to ineffective and corrupt who have regularly demonstrated by their conduct to have only a remote likelihood of enacting and executing any true solutions.

Last edited by old colonel; 03/15/13 09:45 AM. Reason: spelling

Michael Dittamo
Topeka, KS