Doug the Misfires section is not danger of being devoured by liberal ants.

And there is a spectrum from conservative to liberal. Some liberals support gun rights. Some conservatives support gay marriage. It is not two camps, one armed and one unarmed. It is not one camp supporting gay marriage, amnesty, increased welfare benefits, limiting CO2 emissions, putting benefits ahead of reducing the deficit and the other camp opposing all those things. Most people are have a mixed bag of these beliefs.

People that have more experience, research results, and political savvy in supporting and upholding gun rights have determined that focusing on their primary purpose and ignoring issues outside THE purpose is the best way be successful in that mission.

The way to bring more people to our point of view is to be friendly, reasonable, tactful, and to disagree in an always agreeable manner.

If, by reading our posts, they think we are dressed up in white sheets, planning the overthrow of our government, advocating reeducation camps for their gay brother and his friends, and that we will verbally beat down anyone that disagrees with us on any one item on our list of beliefs we will lose them.

For the record I am against gay marriage, racial quotas, ObamaCare, amnesty, the dream act, and free birth control pills.



Last edited by AmarilloMike; 03/17/13 10:27 AM.

I am glad to be here.