Fin2feather, I gave you the answer in the second sentence of my reply to you. Arnold Schwartznegger is a "U.S. Citizen", but not a "natural born U.S. Citizen". Hence he cannot run for President. The computer generated Hawaiian birth certificates that took almost two years to produce were an attempt to prove Obama was born on U.S. soil, having only one citizen parent, because that is part of the requirement for eligibility. As Mike correctly pointed out to you, it would have been a moot point otherwise since his mother was a U.S. Citizen. The issue wasn't citizenship. It was Natural born citizenship. But there is also the question of renounced citizenship when Lolo Soetoro moved his wife and young Barry Soetoro to Indonesia.

Since Mitt Romney's father was not running for President, I can't imagine why you even brought that up. But when he did attempt a run, it was legal because both of his parents were U.S. Citizens. If he had gotten far enough to be nominated, it is almost certain that his citizenship would have become a hot issue which may have been decided in court. If it happened with a Republican candidate today, the doubters would not be categorized as crazy by our Liberal biased press. I sarcastically made the "hateful" reference because we who question Obama's qualifications are frequently called haters, or racists, or birthers, or other unflattering names. Those who question George Romney or John McCain's citizenship are not held to the same standard.

I didn't say that you were saying anything... I was just asking if your citing of citizenship qualification #7 indicated that you yourself believed that Obama was born in Kenya. That seemed to be the loophole you were looking for since you said, "It looks like #7 above includes Obama, and I don't see anything about "U.S. soil". Am I missing it?" That very strongly suggested to me that you also believe Obama was born in Kenya, but I just wanted to be sure.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.