Being born in Kenya IMO is a moot point in regards to Obama's eligibility to be president. The fact that his mother remarried,moved to Indonesia with his new "father" who was an Indonesian citizen where Obama became a citizen of Indonesia is the root of the issue.**
The fact that he used this citizenship to apply for foreign student aid as a student in the United States and traveled to places restricted to US Citizen's on an Indonesian passport is the key point. At that point in time he was no longer an American citizen period.
If anyone thinks Obama was a natural born American citizen in 2008 than Lee H Oswald should have run for the Presidency against Kennedy rather than assassinating him.
** Yes this is documented and NO I'm not spending my time pulling up links to it again.

I'm Still Waiting and actually have been waiting for Months for someone to refute what I and others posted which is factual and posted in multiple other places on this forum. As far as I can see the liberal's here are no different the the "mainstream news media" examples they immitate in that they ignore what the can't refute as being in error.
This is the primary reason I Usually don't even bother with these threads anymore. There is no interest on the Liberals part who post here in getting to the truth. All they want to do is protect their resident idiot the Kenyan and the rest of his ilk.

The 2nd Amendment IS an unalienable right.