I just shipped a rifle this week USPS. Here is my method. Go to Lowe's or Home Depot and buy a half sheet of 1/8" plywood. Have them cut it on their panel saw to the size for top and bottom of a box large enough for your rifle. Also get some 1" dry wall screws and a couple pieces of 1x3. Go home and cut the 1x3 into proper length for the sides and end. Save some small pieces for internal bracing. Screw bottom and sides together and put a little longer screw or a nail in each corner of the 1x3 sides. Line the box with cardboard. Use the 1x3 scraps to provide internal support for the top and bottom. (Cut hole in cardboard liner to fit these in place and screw into them from the bottom only to keep them upright.) Cushion wrap the gun and screw the lid on. Wrap the whole thing in construction paper and tape the seams with fiberglas reinforced old fashioned paper tape. Or you could cover it with cardboard and tape it as above. If you do it this way you can drive your pickup over the box and it won't crush. These boxes cost me about 15 minutes to assemble, another 15 to pack and wrap. About $8 per box. The half sheet will usually make 2 such boxes. Haven't had one damaged yet.