At close range a double barrel is the ultimate assault weapon. I have one in my house for such a purpose.

Never waste a bad event if it advances your agenda. Why not do the same as the anti gun people but from another direction. Instead of getting more gun control laws we could do with mental health reforms that identify true risk and do more than give them pills they do not take and let them live unsupervised lives. require Doctors, teachers and anyone in the court system to report all known and potential mental health risks.

The ACLU basically forced institutions to release people who can not fend for themselves and make it very difficult to have any person committed. You do not see them dealing with these people on a daily basis. Sometimes a court action, that seems to be correct or technically proper, has major long term consequences. A wife can get a restraining order with just her word as evidence and no proof to support her. Why make it almost impossible to remove people who are dangerous to themselves and others?