well, some nut or nuts just shot up the mothers day parade in new orleans...maybe its time to offer a compromise on the background check issue?

but first, here are some facts:

a. none of the firearms used in the mass murders of the last few years were obtained illegally. meaning that all owners of these firearms passed federally mandated back ground checks.

b. all of the firearms used in these mass murders were of the center fire, semi automatic, high capacity magazine type.

c. most records of treatment of individuals for mental health issues are not included in the federal background check data base.

here is a compromise:

1. repeal the Johnson era firearms act of 1968 and the Clinton era firearms act of 1993, aka the brady bill.

2. replace them with a universal back ground check law for only those firearms described in b. above.

3. encourage mental health professionals to report treatment data, on a selective basis, for those individuals whom they consider to be a potential danger to society. that data would be added to the national back ground check data base and would be the trigger for a 90 delay for approval of firearms acquisition.

what do you think?

Last edited by ed good; 05/13/13 10:18 AM.

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