Hey Ed, I already told you that what you propose is fantasy. First of all, the Clinton (so-called) Assault Weapon bans have already sun-setted as originally mandated by law. So you would have us trade Universal Backround checks on semi-autos and giving up large cap magazines for what... something that is already gone??? I knew that without Googling anything... how did you miss that news? If the anti-gunners had their way, those bans would be reinstated with many more firearms added to the list. They have every intention of persuing that goal. It's fantasy and insanity to think they will just give up on that in the spirit of compromise.

Second, I, and others have already explained that they will never go back to the pre-1968 days when you could buy rifles, shotguns, and revolvers without any backround check or waiting periods, and you could even buy them from mail order dealers and have them shipped direct to your home. You gotta be on crack to be thinking otherwise. So why propose giving up our rights for something that will never ever happen. You only look weak when you propose crap like this.

Third, anyone with even half a brain understands by now, after half a century of attacks and the loss of firearms rights here and abroad, that the anti-gunners hate us and they hate the Second Amendment. They are all about incrementally taking away our rights. They look for any tragedy or any opportunity to advance their agenda. They smell weakness and you are smelling pretty weak right now. The rest of us aren't voluntarily giving up anything. Our Civil 2nd Amendment Rights aren't for sale or trade. Not even a little bit.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.