Jim & Mike,
I think we can end our discussion amicably here. I don't deliberately pick arguments, but being a crusty old curmudgeon I'm a bit set in my ways and opinions. Jim, I hope you get to Africa eventually, if I can offer one word of advice, go to a country where there isn't a war going on, that way you don't have to sleep with one eye open all the time like I had to.
It's not as easy as Hollywood suggests in films about Waggon Train Scouts and Mountain Men. Lol.

Mike(Der Ami),
I suppose everyone has a dream and if a 458 was within their financial means there's no reason to stop them buying one, they've earned their Dollars, so what they spend it on is up to them.

AKMike1, Hello Mike, have you got rid of your snow yet?


Biology is the only science where multiplication can be achieved by division.