Originally Posted By: nca225
You know what, you guys are right. All muslims are bad because they do not go out into their communities and root out the bad ones for us.

I'm finally seeing the light! And the the learning doesn't stop there... Lets see what other massive group of people can we hold accountable for the acts of a few...?

Thanks for showing me the light Bob.... now maybe we can start protecting the children.

Chris/nca, "acts of a few you say"....you can never connect the dots, it never ceases to amaze us....you must have been raised by a pair of school teachers....?....

Just for stupid people like you, here's a link discussing how over 100,000 Christians are killed every year by Muslims in Muslim countries because of their religion only... "and growing"....this would be like us killing you because you are an atheist queer.....thank God you are queer and won't reproduce, but that is your choice, and I support freedom of choice....!...

Let some of this article soak into your twisted brain and see if it sticks, but we all know it won't.....

