To slug the bore,drive a round lead ball into the barrel, drive it back out, then measure it with a micrometer or caliper. BTW a rechambered 8.15x46R will still accept a 8.15x46R cartridge.

This type action was seemingly made for the "trade"(actual maker not known to me)and sold to gunsmiths/dealers all over.They were built up according to the ideas of the builder or desires of the customer.The ones w/o name were usually sold to dealers who could have them marked with what ever name they wanted, but resold w/o a name being marked.I have seen them from pre WW1 to WW2.They may have a simple pin for hingepin or a screw, or a fixed hingepin like a shotgun.I have seen forearms attached by a screw,a wedge, or a latch.Safety may be a greener type, or "thumb type", which may work forward or backward.They almost always have double set triggers, but could have a single set trigger.Engraving is from almost non-existent to ornate.They may or maynot be scoped.Both of yours seem to have been restocked and Gunwolf's seems to have been relined.I have seen more chambered for 8.15x46R or 9.3x72R; but they are seen also in 8x57R/360,8x48/58R,6.5x48/58R,6.5x52R(25-35 win), 5.6x52R(22 Sav.HP),5.6x35R vierling(22WCF) or 5.6x36R(22 Hornet).They were not considered to be very strong actions as shown by the cartridges they were chambered for.This is why rechambering can lead to problems.Is everyone confused yet?