There was no indication or proof Zimmerman accosted anyone....but we got all the proof needed that Martin was a racist intent on accosting Zimmerman in Zimmermans own back yard.

His girlfriend told the world about the "crazy ass white cracker that was watching him.." when he started to assult Zimmerman. Proof Martin initiated it.....

If the police were everywhere..then we wouldn't have to do their job in their absence...but then we aren't in a police state...and I'd rather it be that way.

Maybe if people like Martin lived in fear of the people they have been preying on all these years...they would think twice about causing trouble.

I wouldn't lose a seconds sleep if ever on of the Treyvon Martins of the world got killed tomorrow.

Because the rest of us could sleep better when the crime rate drops significantly as a result.

And its NOT about martin being black..its about him being a criminal with no respect for anything or anyone.

Last edited by boneheaddoctor; 07/14/13 09:48 PM.

The liberals are asking us to give Obama time.
We agree, and think 25 to life would be Appropriate.