If my neighbors saw someone screwing around my house at night when I wasn't there or asleep...I hope they would take action and not just let them continue.....hoping the police might get there and actually catch them in time. Odds are they would see the police and be gone before they even got out of their cars.

IT was Zimmermans back yard effectively...it wasn't Martins.

Crime is allowed to flourish in too many areas because of the "its not my problem" mindset....where they don't even bother to call the police...who rarely ever get there in time to prevent a crime...but usually after teh crime is already committed.

Besides...everyone says what if Zimmerman had walked away.....well, where are people saying why didn't Treyvon walk away? If Treyvon had simply told Zmmerman why he was walking there instead of attacking him....he would still be alive.

The liberals are asking us to give Obama time.
We agree, and think 25 to life would be Appropriate.