DrBob ---- thanks for your interest and suggestion,I do appreciate your help. This project was my idea & offered my thoughts to the memebrship for their valued feedback --- seems as if it has been approved of.

As I started this project, I will assume the position of facilitator & have already gotten the ball rolling with Steve Earle measuring an action which he will program for CNC controll of mill and lath. This man does the finest work I have had the pleasure of handling. Glenn Fewless is the man for fitting bbl's as he is a fanatic for precision fitting of parts & polishing. Being an old engraver, I'm in hopes of a few of these engraving jobs coming my way. Stockmaking will require more than one stocker and I have two in mind. Before I announce their names, I will have to be sure they can handle the work load as both are very busy. Ken

Ken Hurst