I AM 60 YEARS OLD GREW UP IN A GUN STORE AND IN MY OPINION RENAISANCE WAX, [WHICH BTW IS USED BY THE CODY MUSEUM ON ITS' DISPLAY WEAPONS] IS HANDS DOWN, FARRRRRRRRRR SUPERIOR TO PROTECING BOTH WOOD,METAL AND LEATHER THAN ANY OIL! It is just a plain fact that since I changed to using it 17 YEARS AGO for protection, I have not had a single case of surface rust ON ANY GUN but have had several cases of bores getting a slight dusting of rust, even with a V.P.I. TYPE OIL IN THE BORE, V.P.I. CARTRIDGES AND A DEHUMIDIFIER SYSTEM IN MY GUNROOM. Just my experience, plus a gun with a wax coat on it, when bumped is much less likely to be scratched than one with just oil, believe ME I know! I use a toothbrush to put a light coating of wax in the checkering to seal it in case of rain and use a cheap medium bristle toothbrush to work it in good. Brush in the directions of the checkering cutters. The Renaissance ends up being a lot cheaper than the B.C. PRODUCT as a little goes a longgggggggggggggggggggggg way. HTH Jerry