Originally Posted By: keith
Originally Posted By: King Brown
Not one betterment? How about Obama listing his unprecedented health reform benefits at the White House today? Does that count?

One would think that you'd recognize Obama as a liar and charlatan since you're two of a kind. The law was passed in mid-2008 and they have purposely delayed implementation because they know that what's in it would assure a Dumbocrat slaughter in 2014.

A doctor friend in Calif. who has a private practice and does hospice and palliative visits to elderly and terminally ill patients recently told me that when ObamaCare kicks in, he would leave his office and drive perhaps 20-30 min. to see a patient... then spend perhaps 20-30 minutes examining, diagnosing, and prescribing treatment... then spend another 20-30 min. driving back to his office... and his reimbursement from the Gov't under ObamaCare would be $5.40. He asked me, who in their right mind would continue to provide that care? It wouldn't even cover gas money. Early indications are that ObamaCare will be an enormously costly boondoggle that reduces care for the elderly, will incur huge non-compliance due to loopholes for favored groups, have further non-compliance from the young who would rather pay the penalties than the individual mandate insurance premium, and still leave tens of millions without health insurance. It is wealth redistribution and bureaucracy... something a Socialist like you dreams about. Cut the crap and tell the truth for once.

King, we all know you are enamored with the black man, and you are too dishonest to admit to all of Obama's many flaws. You know the economy of the U.S. is still a mess despite adding more trillions to the debt than any other president. Detroit filed bankruptcy yesterday and many other cities and states aren't far behind. Obama's foreign policy has been a disaster with the Arab Spring losses to radical Islam, Egypt a mess, Tunisia also falling under radical Islam rule, Iran on the verge of nukes, Iraq being lost to the mullahs, Afghanistan being handed over to the Taliban after so much blood and treasure consumed, Snowden and Putin... along with China, Ecuador, Venezuela, Cuba, etc. showing none of the respect you claim we've earned. Puny crowds greeting Obama in Europe, Unemployment still very high but his priorities are expensive taxpayer funded vacations and attacking the Constitutional Rights of gun owners.

You see all of this and tell us it gives you Hope, and that things are better. If your nose grew every time you told a lie, you could use it to plant the Canadian flag on the moon. And as for your Hope... if you Hope in one hand and Shit in the other, guess which will fill up faster?
Perhapsd "Kingy" is ambi-dextrous?? Or as the late "Dizzy Dean" from St. Louis said in a radio cast of a 1930's Cards game- "Hey, he can throw with either hand, he's an amphibian-- and King, follow Mrs. Abner Doubleday's advice to her hubby in 1903- "Now, don't take the World Serious"--

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..