
Thank you, I suspect that you are right. It's of no consequence really, I was just curious and I've had the luxury of time to indulge my curiosity. These guns fall into a period of history that I never took the time to understand. As a kid growing up in the 60s & 70s, pumpguns were ubiquitous. Everybody had them and most used them for everything, from hunting to competition. My Grandfather liked doubles and used them. I thought he was the definition of wonderful, so if he liked them then I did too. Fast forward 40-years, I have the doubles I always wanted and occationally, I get to use them. I am protective of them and use them fairly selectively. What I didn't have was a utilitarian option, something to use when the weather was lousy or the hillsides and grapevines were too steep and thick. With the guns of my youth (albeit, lighter & more deliberately chosen versions), I now have that option. And, what's even better, is that I'm finding them to be as fun as I remember them being. A rediscovery of sorts, made more fun because I didn't have to break the bank to do it.

Last edited by Lloyd3; 07/20/13 12:55 AM.