I DID say "usually". I have never seen the inside of a Sauer or a Lindner. I'll stand on my opinion that "improving for modern PC's sake" the excellent but simple design of the Lefever is not a good idea. They have possibly the best, safest sear/hammer relationship of any of the older guns and certainly the simplest. Again, I haven't seen them all. This project is going to be hard enough to make and sell profitably, IMO. It doesn't need "improvements". That's JMO, as always. To carry it one step further, I don't think the idea has a snowball's chance in hell of succeeding, even though I wish them the very best. Look at how many other similar projects have died on the vine, for one reason or another. Are people buying those finish it yourself, in-the-white Parkers? This one won't even have the wood?

> Jim Legg <