Originally Posted By: 78CJ
I will have to go back and look tonight. Thank you very much for the information. A lot of this I had found already but only in snippets and the way the link is laid out it helps tremendously. From what I can gather it is pre-1924 and proofed for smokeless. Given that it is pre-1924 then I would say that the "lettre annale" must be the squiggly 'b' that I can see making it 1923.

Pre-1924 there is no date code. Information regarding inspector of proof marks pre-1924 has been lost.

Go with what you can know, the barrels weighed 1.273 kg
choke 18.3 mm. Glare prevents me from reading the rest.

Is that a DW or BW that I see? If it is BW then it is the trademark of Baltus-Wilmonte.

It appears a bit like a Francotte knock about, though it is not Francotte. Should make a nice field gun.
