How many guns have you bought and got it home went to the field and fired it and just didn't like it? none wow! that's great you move to the front of the class, you know how to buy firearms. How many other guns are out there that people have spent $10,000 on and just couldn't shoot it? none you don't go out to the club much.How many people send money on there new gun after they get it home. Why are where so many newer used guns for sale? Why so many gun dealers? RBL's are not made to be a high end field gun,they are $2500 little more if you had added the extras.Tony will sell you a high end gun if you are willing to get the money out and you can take you pick! There are gun dealer that have ordered the RBL's for resale only and yes some normal people as well is that so bad? I don't think the ones that are for sale and unfired are being sold because they don't like the way it shoots it's because they had the Idea they were going to sell it for a little cash flow. If they bought it thinking that it was going to be fitted like a $10,000 gun shame on them! I have bought trucks that cost a lot more then $2500 and didn't like it 6 mos later but I keep it anyway because I would never get my money back! With the RBL if you don't like it sell it and move on life is to short to be looking back you will never get ahead! He who make no mistakes makes no new discoverys!