This reminds me of a well underway meeting I was drug into while walking down the hall one day, years ago. It wasn't my normal assigned task nor model of airplane. 30-40 engineers, managers, planners, etc were discussing this 'fix'. After hearing about 10 minutes worth, it finally struck what the new design consisted of. It was so obvious to me that it wasn't practicable that before I realized it, I blurted out; "You're gonna do what? That's not maintainable in this it?" ... pointing some fleet support service engineers. There was a rumble of discussion in the room and the service guys said "no way". Boy, did I feel like the feel like the guy that had just shot rabid Ol Yeller. There was weeks of work in this proposed design by one engineer. I did, quickly out of guilt, propose a very simple solution that was eventually implemented. But, my point, if I have a point, is that open discussion early on would have prevented the situation.