Dad said never sue, it will take more out of you in stress and frustration even if you win. Made sense to me. Canada is not as litigious as other countries, awards are comparatively low. Slander and libel laws are in my bones. Those playing in Misfires deserve what they get.

"Public figure" doesn't enter into it as far as I'm concerned. All are in the same boat. An international champion log-roller at a guides meet once demanded money for taking his picture in action. If he didn't want his picture taken, he shouldn't have appeared publicly. Same methinks for Misfires.

What pleases me because of my affection and admiration for the United States is that so many Americans share the ethos of those around me here in Nova Scotia, of friendships strengthened by differences that we don't allow to diminish our humanity. Friendships aren't a scratch-my-back, almost commercial thing.

Kind regards, King