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GLS #338014 09/14/13 01:19 AM
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Kingsley Brown? Isn't this the same Kingsley Brown who very recently made the fallacious and reputation damaging claim that I "dishonoured his father as a liar."? I spent several days asking him to show just where I did that. He did not because he could not. I never said it and he knew that. Still, he clung to the lie with his vicarious responses through ed. But this came as no surprise to me because he has a long history of posting falsehoods and simply not responding to them, whether it was me or anyone else who called him on it.

A few posting here in this thread seem to think that behavior is perfectly OK and even defensible. Not one noted that King repeatedly called me a liar last week, doubled down, and ignored my request that he show proof. I am no saint. Not even close. But I recently pointed out that no small number of us, myself included, have made sometimes incorrect remarks or posted erroneous information. Almost invariably, we either acknowledge the error or apologize when the matter is brought to the attention of the forum. We have no problems being civil and even contrite... when warranted.

This would never describe King. Never.

Last year, I made the egregious error of accusing a couple guys here of being supporters of the Anti-Gunner Barack Obama while claiming to be supporters of the 2nd Amendment... something which is just impossible. I was wrong about them. It was a case of mistaken identity. I mixed up the handles they use here with someone else. I felt ashamed and edited my posts, not to erase my mistake, but to acknowledge it while leaving my error in the public domain, and to take complete ownership. Then I made several subsequent posts again making public apologies to these men. I wanted the whole forum to see and I felt a real need to make things right. I also PM'd the gentlemen and apologized and asked for forgiveness. Both graciously accepted although one gave me another well deserved tongue lashing. I felt stupid and have strived to not again make such an error.

My opinions of King Brown began with simple observations that he was, in my opinion, frequently telling lies to support his extreme liberal positions. I noticed also, he was able to make hypocritical personal attacks and thought that if they were not ad hominum... not naming names, but unmistakenly directed... that was somehow acceptable and civil. Again, a few here seem to agree, and even support such behavior. I don't and won't. I frequently reminded him that dishonesty and hypocrisy is not civility.

Numerous other posters also called him out and his response was typically to ignore them and change the subject by dancing away from it or covering it with another lie. Frankly, I got sick of it and decided to share my opinion of that disgusting behavior every time it arose. I knew some would not like that, but to me, it was no different than those of us who do not like being lied to, especially when the lies are frequently told to advance a Socialistic and anti-Constitutional agenda. GLS happily quotes excerpts from me, but I can't help noticing that he does not give equal time to unequivocal lies, exaggerations, and potentially damaging advice from King, a foreign luller who advised us to allow the anti-gunners to have their way with us in the aftermath of Newtown. It makes me question GLS's true motives here.

The ANONYMOUS GLS also criticized my internet anonymity as he dispensed his mostly incorrect legal advice. I expect he'll be posting his full name and address for all to see now that he has criticized all anonymity. In fact, I"ll be asking for it. I have posted my well founded reasons for maintaining my privacy, as have many others who also do not wish to advertise being gun collectors to thieves on the internet. It's believeable that he has filed silly suits which he subsequently lost, likely for being mostly fivilous and without standing. His admitted intent was to cause financial damage to the defendant. Damage! Hurt! Suffering! Revenge! It appears to me that he is saying it's fine to cause financial hardship and loss of time, while he finds it egregious to hurt someones feelings even when there is cause and provocation. In other words, it's fine for him to do damage or get revenge, but not fine for someone else. That tells me a lot about him. Is it any wonder that good lawyers reputations suffer from the bad behavior of the bad ones. That smacks of hypocrisy too... if you think about it. But I'm not accusing him of being a thinking man or a good lawyer.

I'd like to thank craigd for being astute enough to remember that my request for a face-to-face with nca225 stemmed from his remarks that he got VD from my daughter. I'd still like to discuss that personally with him just to see where it might go. If Geo Newbern has daughters, I'll bet he would pay to watch. I bet he'd get his money's worth. Maybe we would all just talk and enjoy a few beers. Or not.

King Brown, who has three daughters of his own, remarked that I ought to make peace with nca225 after his filthy remark about my daughter. Really? Really! My opinion of King dropped several more notches after that! I have not forgotten nca225's vile remark, or King's equally vile suggestion to forgive him. Does anyone here think King would feel the same if nca225 said he got VD from his daughters? I often wonder how Kings daughters would have viewed their Dad's response to nca225's remarks about mine. I'll just bet they'd be proud.

Note here as well that GLS read and watched that exchange, and did not make a long drawn out post advising lawsuits or harrassing and financially damaging litigation by me, my daughter, or anyone else who nca225 insulted. GLS even goes so far as to assert that I "called out my opponent for satisfaction". That is an obvious lie. I won't call him a liar... others can make that call themselves. I also wouldn't be that dumb as to publicly make a physical threat. I wonder what GLS might say if nca225 said he contracted VD from his daughter? Numerous guys either posted their disgust for nca225's attack on my daughter, or PM'd me personally to voice their support or remark what they'd like to do to him if he ever had the balls to reveal his identity. GLS had nothing to say and the evidence would suggest that he supports nca225's behavior more than mine. He seemed to take particular umbrage at the term "low life white trash". I've heard that sometimes that can happen when a comment hits close to home. I just don't know. Suffice to say that I think GLS, in my opinion, is nothing but a disgusting hypocritical puke. The barrister has given me abundant proof.

I did note with some satisfaction that in his story about the man who insulted his opponent as a liar, when the two men faced each other in a duel... it was the liar who died from his injuries. I like a story with a happy ending.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.

craigd #338025 09/14/13 08:12 AM
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Originally Posted By: craigd
Delivery aside, don't the comments stem from actual quotes. Since he was brought up, a fellow like nca was probably 'called out' because he said he got vd from another posters daughter, not because he had a comment on an issue.

Nca saying he got vd from someones daughter was reprehensible and cant be condoned. I recall cringing at it when I read it. I also cringed at some of the comments directed to nca before he dropped the vd-daughter bomb. The line of decency and good taste had long been crossed by both parties before that comment. The calling out of nca occurred in the Militias thread (p18) back in December before the daughter got dragged into this if the Militia thread is an accurate representation and hasnt been edited. The two participants had a longstanding history. Im glad hes gone. My hope is that someone else would learn to be more civil and stop feeling the need to be the insultomatic or Forums Name-Caller-in-Chief.. He writes well and makes sense on a lot of topics. His writing is post graduate but his name calling penchant is grade school at best. He just cant seem to help himself.
Here are some of the lowlights of the Militia thread in order of appearance. Ironically, Last Dollar started the thread. I am sorry LD left the forum. He could no longer tolerate board conduct. The two participants in the exchange below may have deserved each other, but none of us deserved this to appear in our forum and it was locked by Dave. I dont see the daughter-vd reference. Maybe it was in a different thread or was removed but I recall reading it and wouldnt want it said about my daughter. But then, who would want any of the below said about themselves?
306835 keith
They would have to invent a 5-F classification which would mean you couldn't even be a blood donor because of your HIV and tertiary syphillis damaged brain.
Oh, I see you're still all excited about your new Straw Man Equation which you apparently found in your last issue of Ladies Home Journal. I don't need any gay pulp DNC formula to pick apart a short bus window licker like you.
I do like the fact that we finally flushed you out of the closet on both your gay sexual orientation
Nca 306844
And really Keith, calling me gay is refreshing coming from a republican. How's your new rehabilitation counselor at LIFE treating you? The last one lost her job when she couldn't hold in her anger at being assigned to you. Have you accepted it was wrong for you to try to take over NAMBLA leadership let alone just being a member? Do you hate yourself for being like Mark Foley? Well, I wish you the worst of luck in your long slow road to rehabilitation
keith 306853
. And you seem to think that every other able bodied man is this country is a pussy like you. That must come from the gay company you keep. You are a quisling coward.
There is another way to communicate with me nca225. If you ever get to Pa., just PM me and we can arrange to meet. Then you can say whatever you'd like right to my face. I have no plans to come to Maine in the near future because I work for a living, but if anything changes, I'll let you know, pussy.
keith 306855
No nca225, I'm not from Allentown, but I could be in a couple hours. Are you going there? I haven't read anything about any Gay Pride Parades in Allentown. But then, I don't follow those things like you do.

Last edited by GLS; 09/15/13 10:18 AM. Reason: partial retraction
GLS #338034 09/14/13 09:52 AM
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Originally Posted By: GLS
I recall cringing at it when I read it.

Since you were not directly involved and you just sit back and cringe when you read many of the argumentative posts on MisFires, I for one would suggest that you do not read what is posted if it offends you. The rules clearly state, "if you are offended don't read it".

Human nature and posturing has not changed in thousands of years and I doubt it will anytime soon.

If Keith or anybody else wishes to engage in a heated debate on MisFires, so be it, as this is the place for such posts to emerge, including name calling, just as it would be face to face as men discuss politics, wars, religion etc. Dave Weber placed MisFires here for that reason.

I for one know that Keith would say face to face anything that he posts here and does not hide behind a keyboard. There are probably some here that do though.

Since you are offended, you should possibly consider staying on the useless forum that you think so highly of, or at least don't read MisFires. As is typical, you take segments of posts out of context and post what was said selectively , not in the posts entirety and without the complete meaning, evidently to gratify your posturing....?....

Do not pass judgement on others unless you are directly involved. Common sense and reason go hand in hand.

BTW, your Savannah News Obituary belongs in Silent Doubles above with the other obituaries.

Best of Luck,


GLS #338036 09/14/13 10:07 AM
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Doug, Whether you like it or not, I would have said the same thing for you, if it had occurred. j0e and I have had differences and I have stuck up for him. I've also pissed him off. There's just no call for rude and ungentlemanly behavior.
Fortunately it's not just me who feels the same way. It doesn't take long for this person to get sideways with folks and start the name calling. I won't be the last.

Take a look at the rules for misfires and tell me if you can honestly say the "debate" has been in the spirit or black letter of Dave's rules:
"Tirades and banters permitted so long as they remain cordial with no profanity, racial slurs and or other aggressive behavior towards groups or individuals. Threats, and or overt aggression and or stupidity will not be tolerated. No pornography or discussions of a sexual nature"
Thanks. Gil

PS: The obit is in the nature of "can you believe this?" rather than a silent double obit. I guess you could characterize one of his girl friends as a Double, however wink

GLS #338037 09/14/13 10:18 AM
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Originally Posted By: GLS

Take a look at the rules for misfires and tell me if you can honestly say the "debate" has been in the spirit or black letter of Dave's rules:

Yes, look at the rules and remember Gil, this is Dave's board and the decisions are entirely his, not yours and not mine....!....


GLS #338038 09/14/13 10:37 AM
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And Dave closed the thread Militia because of the misconduct....
It is Dave's board but it is nothing without us. Gil

PA24 #338041 09/14/13 11:19 AM
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I hope I'm not erring in retrospect, Doug. We disagree on many things but I don't recall any of your comments as unfair, mischievous or careless about other members. Almost certainly none about me.

Maybe a remark touching on ageism from another pilot but that was easy to hoist aboard as pilot/builder of my hot Bushmaster, nearly 60 years of flying. You'd be as pleased about that as I am about your activities.

Opinions, fair criticism are to be valued. They measure our prejudices, thinking and experience. Praise is always welcome but "I love your writing" or "I love what you do with guns" won't make us better writers or master gunsmiths.

I am grateful to Gil for reminding us of why we're here. The response has been positive. I am grateful to all for that.

Last edited by King Brown; 09/14/13 11:30 AM.
GLS #338046 09/14/13 12:29 PM
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Originally Posted By: GLS
And Dave closed the thread Militia because of the misconduct....

Gil, this is exactly the way it is supposed to work, in my opinion, and makes this board far different from others.

This board, like most cross sections of society, has it's fair share of "snivelers and whiners".....

Snivelers and whiners, although not directly involved in a particular thread, whine and email Dave to complain about something that is distasteful to them and go to "great lengths" to have posts removed. Dave did not stumble on the Militia thread by accident but with purpose.

The Snivelers and Whiners (keyboard commando's) are the type of individuals that will not confront an adversary, post to post or face to face or even email to email......but hide behind the bushes and ambush whatever and wherever they can.

My hat is off to you Gil for posting out in the open your objections rather than from behind the bushes.

The same goes for King, a tip of the hat, who has stood tall and countered all that is thrown at him, knowing he is in the minority here. King has a very strong character.

King and Keith, should they ever meet, would most likely sit down and have a beer or coffee and discuss everything and anything in an adult fashion, however heated, but honorable for sure. Neither of these individuals has a black heart.



GLS #338104 09/15/13 02:30 AM
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As I spent 16 hours at work today, then spent the rest of the evening at a Yom Kippur dinner, and have to work at least 12 hours tomorrow, this will be brief. For now.

I can't help but notice that GLS's reply totally ignored several salient points in my initial response to him. This is so very familiar... from guys like Gnomoron, homer, nca225, Dave-in Maine, and perhaps most notably, King Brown. If I've left anyone guilty out of this mix of defty deceptive liberals, it was not intentional. GLS seems to be aligning himself with the cream of the crop here.

You GLS, all of you, seem to use the same playbook. I do a lot of calling bullshit here. GLS seems to wish to dishonestly convert some of that into alleged physical threats, but no matter how he twists my words, it ain't true. He did answer that lie with another lie. That's not going to work.

He has dissected my posts in his own internet sleuthing, incorrectly accused me of possibly editing or removing posts from the Militia thread, but still chooses to almost entirely ignore nca225's words that prompted ever escalating replies. As Doug says, maybe he should stay out of the kitchen if he couldn't stand the heat.

He tells us that he "cringed" at the post where slimeball nca dragged my daughter into it with his filthy VD comments, yet there is the glaring hypocrisy that he didn't advise me or my daughter to pursue lawsuits to punish nca with monetary damages and loss of time defending litigation. I know GLS certainly would not want that said about his daughter, but he remained totally silent until yesterday and took special pains to illustrate my "debate" with that scum coward... yet he totally ignored the atomic bomb with collateral damage that nca dropped. He remembered it but chose to ignore it. Nice. And you libtards wonder why I have less respect for you than a plague carrying rat?

That disgusting little glossing over of the facts was only exceeded by King, a man with 3 daughters of his own, suggesting that I should forgive nca225. I did not know King had daughters at the time, and thought he was an idiot for even suggesting that, but I was apalled when I saw that he did have daughters. I still shake my head. This came from the guy who frequently brought up Mitt Romney's and Republican's alleged misogyny and disrespect for women. You can't make THIS STUFF up!

GLS seems to be mixing me up with someone who posted pictures of nca225. Wrong again! If I didn't know better, I'd guess that GLS and nca225 have consulted and consoled each other. I'm sure he'll say that was an honest mistake. I don't think it was a mistake. I think it was an attempt to malign and damage my name and reputation. Wonder if he has any free legal advice for me?

GLS, in the same sentence, also takes another shot at me for "treasuring my anonymity", but has not yet given us his full name. What gives? The dance of the Gnomoron continues... swing your partners nca and King... promenade...dosey doe.

GLS has not acknowledged that King Brown frequently makes statements which are dishonest and false, which precipitate very frequent, though usually milder responses from other participants besides myself... all of which King either ignores or pretends to misconstrue. GLS has not said a word about King's filthy lie last week where he alleged that I dishonored his father. Let's just dance around that one too. He knows full well he did that only to deflect my continued calling bullshit of the lie he told pertaining to his father's conversion and baptism. It's obvious he's been following all of this, which he purports to find so very distasteful, with voyeuristic glee. GLS seems to think that someone who does these things is "a gentleman with class". But as I said, he's not alone. Several here would rather have a beer with a liar than one who vehemently calls bullshit. I personally don't see the attraction, but there's no accounting for tastes. And I'd rather drink with someone honest who doesn't fear his own tongue. He also does not advise me to seek legal remedy for King's dishonest reputation damaging allegation... even though I would never seek a tort remedy to handle a liar. He knows damn well that I opined several times that by all accounts, King's father was quite a decent guy. He also knows damn good and well that I stated numerous times that King did indeed work for the CBC, and I was merely observing that he was inflating his resume by aligning himself with the stars and heavyweights of that network. I too advised anyone who doubted what I said to do some searching for themselves.

I wish to thank GLS for complementing my writing. I think he writes very well too, but dishonest statements, evasive manuevering, and abject hypocrisy really diminishes his style.

Finally, I wish to thank Doug for his kind words. I do not exaggerate when I say he is a class act and as honest a guy as you'll find here. Blunt, fair, honest... I do respect that.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.

PA24 #338129 09/15/13 10:22 AM
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Originally Posted By: PA24

Originally Posted By: GLS
And Dave closed the thread Militia because of the misconduct....

Gil, this is exactly the way it is supposed to work, in my opinion, and makes this board far different from others.

This board, like most cross sections of society, has it's fair share of "snivelers and whiners".....

Snivelers and whiners, although not directly involved in a particular thread, whine and email Dave to complain about something that is distasteful to them and go to "great lengths" to have posts removed. Dave did not stumble on the Militia thread by accident but with purpose.

The Snivelers and Whiners (keyboard commando's) are the type of individuals that will not confront an adversary, post to post or face to face or even email to email......but hide behind the bushes and ambush whatever and wherever they can.

My hat is off to you Gil for posting out in the open your objections rather than from behind the bushes.

The same goes for King, a tip of the hat, who has stood tall and countered all that is thrown at him, knowing he is in the minority here. King has a very strong character.

King and Keith, should they ever meet, would most likely sit down and have a beer or coffee and discuss everything and anything in an adult fashion, however heated, but honorable for sure. Neither of these individuals has a black heart.


Thank you for your considered words. They are appreciated. Most of here have raised children and we know what it is like to go home after a hard days work and find the kids squabbling and calling each other names. I dont know how other parents feel, but at some point I didnt give a damn who said what to whom or who started what. Internet squabbling is in the same league. Often it makes no difference who said what to who first, the squabbling and name calling are what become disagreeable and intolerable.
With King, we had a lot of squabbling and beyond insulting behavior, but it was only coming from one side. It has been ongoing for months. It needed to stop and hopefully it will. I pointed it out and now have become the lightening rod for the same behavior. If asking for civility here is beating a dead horse, hand me a bat and stand aside while I swing from my toes. I will do it as I see fit.
There are two extremes of forum moderation: none and tight-fisted. Misfires is closer to none. Most moderation here is self-imposed. Some can do it and do it well. King chose to moderate his conduct and not participate in the slimefest. It didnt mean he was cowardly or acquiescing to the conduct or truth of the allegations. Others should learn by his example. He kept his head high and acted with dignity. He didn't become a whining victim. There is rarely little cause to be rude. Its what my parents taught. When it comes to the point where one has to make personal insults or call someone else a liar as easily and readily as most people say good morning, then it becomes another matter. This conduct should be addressed and called into question. One doesnt have to look beyond this thread to understand my point. Some will understand what I mean; others may not which is okay. This was no isolated incident nor has King been the only one to suffer the slings and arrows of character assassination by others on this board. Often it has been over political differences, sometimes it has not been. It has been pointed out that the other participant didnt post photos of Nca. That is correct. It was done by other parties and I retract the statement.
A participant to this thread brought up attending a Yom Kippur dinner last night. Not being Jewish, I looked up what Yom Kippur stood for. It is the holiest day of the year for Jews. It is a day of atonement and repentance. The irony is not lost on me.

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